Mommy's House, Mommy's Rules Pt. 03

As I lay, recovering from a mind shattering and surprising orgasm, I managed to say "Be a good boy and get me a cigarette from the kitchen."

"Sure." My youngest son said while standing up and lifting the pants I had yanked off of him in anger.

"Wait." I whispered loudly. I wanted something long, warm and pleasurable, but not a cigarette. I took hold of Tyler's hardness over his pants and, with my other hand, pulled him to me like I was going to kiss him.

With all of my strength, I dragged my son onto the bed next to me and kissed him deeply. His body became rigid and nervous but I removed his pants and underwear while hissing "That's my good boy, Tyler."

Within seconds, we were both naked and Tyler muttered "Mom...what are you doing? What are you doing to me?"

Into his ear, I cooed "I know you want to make love to me." I got on top of my beautiful, innocent 18 year old boy and rubbed the tip of his cock gently against my maternal wetness.

"Mom...we can't! Please!" He whimpered.

"Honey, I promise it will feel good and you know I can't get pregnant. Just relax and let Mommy love you." I rubbed it more aggressively on me and was ready to sit down on it and take my baby boy home and trying not to hear his whines, confident I could turn them into lustful moans if just given the opportunity.

"Not yet, please no...Mom...please. I'm not ready for that." Tyler pleaded.

The loving mother in me kicked in and I rolled next to him and embraced him. "We can wait a little while, Baby. We'll wait until you're ready." I cooed to my obviously apprehensive son. He buried his face into my shoulder and nodded his head. Soon, he was asleep and I was happy to hold him to my nude body all night.

The feeling a waking up, naked and holding my beautiful, naked boy was incredible. It felt natural and motherly but the animalistic, lust to own him carnally was only growing stronger. I smoothly slid down his slumbering body and sucked him awake. He awoke moaning and smiling as his mother sucked him hard and slow. I so love the feeling of his hot, hard dick between my lips and making him cum feels like victory each and every time. Once he had filled my mouth with his hot seed, he got up and returned with a cup of coffee and a cigarette for me. He was turning into quite the gentleman and I was becoming such a proud mother.

I had made up my mind that Mommy's good boy was soon going to become Mommy's lover. Why shouldn't he learn how to make love from me and why shouldn't I have him as my ideal and well trained lover. If he was not comfortable having sex with me yet, there was only one thing to do. Make him comfortable. Not just comfortable, but I wanted him to desire me to the point that he had to have me and could not live without having me.

I began kissing him multiple times every day. I kissed him, not like his mother but like his whore. Long, slow and with my tongue plunging deeply and playing with his. He caught on quickly and the kisses lasted longer and longer. I made sure to press against him and soon, he was pressing back. I climbed on top of him when we were both clothed, for a kiss and rub against him. I hadn't done that since I was a teenager but he still was a teenager and he certainly enjoyed it.

While all of the kissing and canoodling was incredibly fun, it wasn't getting me what I wanted fast enough. It was time to do something a bit drastic. I walked into his room one day, stripped the sheets and pillow cases from his bed and then, put the mattress into a storage bag and drug it into the garage and stacked a few boxes in front of it.. When he arrived home, he seemed concerned and asked, "Mom, where is my mattress?"

I fibbed and said "I think I saw a bedbug on it, Honey. You can sleep in my room until I get a professional to look at it. I want you to be safe. Those bedbugs are nasty little creatures."

He spent the next two hours searching his room and closet for bedbugs and he was quite relieved to not find any. As he was hunting for my imaginary bugs, I was digging through my closet looking for my sexiest sleepwear. I was going to be sex personified for that boy or die trying! That first night, I chose a deep red, lace, split thigh night dress. His jaw practically hot the floor when he saw me wearing it while making tea. He stared and, I think snuck some pics with his phone. I would have posed for them had he the courage to ask.

I took him to bed by the hand and cuddled with him under my quilt. I was slowly breathing in his ear and slipped my hand inside his shorts and languidly played with his rigid man meat while holding him tight. I stopped, whispered "Good night, Baby. I love you" and clung to him with both arms. I almost felt guilty about getting him so charged up with no relief but I knew he would thank me later. He slept restlessly but he slept.

That became our pattern, tease him and give him lots to look at but not make him cum. Some nights, while dressed in my sexy pajamas, I would stand and take out a cigarette. He would rush to his mother like he was carrying the Olympic torch to give me a light and I would drop the cigarette right before he got to me. Then I would make a "kissy face" and we would kiss like lovers. He was getting more bold, by timidly touching my boobs or my ass and I loved every second of it.

The problem became, I was not only teasing him but teasing myself. On an early night, I fell asleep with his solid dick in my motherly hand and he drifted off to sleep with me. When I awoke, a short time later, I was filled with a nearly uncontrollable maternal lust and his meat was still in my grasp. I got on top of my innocent, virgin son and kissed him while still maintaining my grip on his cock. I could feel my hot, love juices dripping onto him. He stirred and found himself in the blissful, dreamlike state between sleep and awake.

He kissed me hard and I made a drastic but amazing decision. I took his cock into my raptorial, hungry pussy. He gently broke the kiss and softly asked "Mom, what are we doing?"

"Shhh...Baby. We're making love. Does it feel good?" I hissed into the darkness.

"Oh...Mom...yeah...well...I don't know if we...maybe...should...Oh Mom...yeah...yeah it does. Ohhhhhhhhhh." He replied to his horny mommy.

I pinned his wrists over his head to the mattress and asked "Do you want me to stop?" I slowed my tempo as I waited for his answer.

I heard him breathing hard until he finally bucked his hips and said loudly "No, Mom. Please don't stop. Please!"

With that, I fucked him like I had gone mad and could not stop smiling with pride and the thrill of conquest. Soon, his cock erupted forth his steaming manliness into me...I collapsed on the bed next to him as we both caught our breath.

A few short minutes later, to my astonishment and delight, I felt my youngest offspring climb on top of me and heard him say "I love you, Mom," before thrusting his cock, hard into the place of his birth.


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