A Mother's Lust Ch. 01

Many thanks to ChancesAre for helping me with wording and giving me some much-needed feedback. I cannot thank them enough, really.


I should've known this would become a problem for me later on. Maybe I did, and, much like any man when he is aroused, I just chose to ignore it. Having sex with a friend's mom is practically the textbook stupid porn plotline everyone makes fun of. You cannot be prepared for a conscious decision once an opportunity to do it actually presents itself.

The thing about Karla was she didn't really like me. Actually, that's an understatement. She fucking despised me, and over the years I learned to despise her back. I'll spare you the bullshit about love and hate being close on the spectrum, because what we shared couldn't be further from love if we tried. I'll also spare my (let's be honest, former) friend from being named in these sordid little tales, for old times' sake.

I do not know what Karla saw in me. I was not widely craved by women. There were no interesting rumors about my dick size. If there were any, there would've been little veracity to them anyway. Barring my height, I was as average a guy as you could conjure up when it came to attractiveness.

If I had to think of something to explain her sudden lewdness, I would say it was my long-lasting saintly reputation. As a kid, I didn't curse or make a mess. As a teen, I didn't hit on girls or break rules. As an adult, I did and do not drive over the speed limit, and I try to control my anger the best I can. These, I suppose, made me some sort of incorruptible entity in the eyes of everyone who knew me. It couldn't possibly be further from the truth. I'm as angry and horny as anyone else you'll meet. I just happen to be more reserved.

Perhaps that notion was what drove Karla, though. Maybe she wanted to see for herself if her son's saintly friend had been wearing a mask all along. It certainly explains why her advances started the summer before I went to college. My recent arrival into adulthood and the fact I was leaving town the next fall gave her the perfect opportunity to test me, either way.

I still remember that summer afternoon. It was rare for me to be with her son in their house. I always took the chance to play videogames at his place if Karla wasn't there to antagonize me for whatever reason. Unfortunately, barring her job as a Scout leader every Saturday, she was always there, working with her laptop. On that particular Saturday, she arrived a bit earlier than I'd expected.

"Hello, boys!"

How I hated her bombastic arrivals. I was almost certain she enjoyed opening the front door as suddenly and loudly as she could. If it made us jump on our seats, there would always be a sardonic grin on her face afterwards.

"Dear, I have some shopping bags in the trunk," she told her son. "Call your brother and bring them upstairs."

There was nothing unusual about her behavior so far. In fact, one of the reasons why she got on my nerves was because she always managed to interrupt anything her son did with me. From an online gaming session to a simple chat, Karla was guaranteed to break it up if she was anywhere around. Even when we were outside, I never knew when she could order him to go back home because of some bogus excuse.

My friend gave me an apologetic smile and handed me his controller, before leaving to fetch his little brother Ricky. Call me rude if you want, but I wasn't in the mood to do anything for Karla. Even if I were (as I'd been on certain previous occasions), she wouldn't have let me. You see, this gave her the perfect occasion to have some fun at my expense for a short while. Whenever I found myself alone on the couch of her living room, Karla would say nothing, lean on the door and stare at me.

Don't think I never tried to stop this. I tried, desperately in many cases, to strike up a conversation with her. Karla's answer would always either be a head shake, a nod, or silence if neither of those would work. No smiles, no laughter, no words. Karla delighted in making me writhe under her stone-cold expression. The only changes in her expression, I eventually found out, were its small hints of satisfaction whenever I rubbed my neck with discomfort.

I could practically feel her eyes on the back of my head that day. Something about it made her gaze more intense than usual. Normally, this would be the part where I'd wait for my friend to come back, before offering some shitty excuse to leave.

The last thing I expected was for her to sit by my side. I immediately worried she was taking the torture to a whole new level. You may think this is a petty struggle, but at that moment all I wanted was my friend to come back so I could fuck off from his damn apartment.

I must've been completely distracted from the game, because Karla noticed the words 'GAME OVER' on the screen a lot sooner than I.

"You lost."

Even a purely informative statement from hers dripped with the nastiest sort of disapproval. Hearing her voice surprised me a lot, however. So much that I couldn't help but turn around to face her. Then, I finally noticed her attire.

She had unbuttoned her uniform's shirt, making no effort to show off her cleavage because none was needed. Maybe I really was a bit innocent, because I had never noticed her breasts were so big. The freckles on them stood out from her white skin. A redheaded woman like Karla was just what I needed to realize I was into that, unfortunately. Her green eyes, without glasses, looked a lot bigger... and almost intimidatingly hungry. Where were her glasses, you ask? In the corner of her mouth, being slowly chewed while the eyes feasted in a different way.

I tried to unfreeze myself. By the time my eyes had turned back up to meet hers, there was a strange spark to them. A mischievous kind of glee. I don't doubt that my rising discomfort pleased her more than my gawking.

What my mind wanted me to do was say anything mundane about the stupid game I had just lost in. It was too slow. Karla fondled my cock with one hand and pulled me closer by the neck with the other. I felt her warm breath on my ear as she spoke.

"You can get hard," she gave me a squeeze. "I'm surprised."

I was completely lost for words. My shock was so much I couldn't even think about pulling away from her. Karla laughed after getting no answer. Her squeeze tightened.

"I know words come hard to you, Peter," her breathing got heavier on my ear. Even while she seduced me, Karla didn't lose her condescending tone. "Just nod or shake your head for me. Can you do that?"

Somehow, I managed to nod in response.

"Very good," she planted a kiss under my ear. "You like my tits?"

I kept staring at the screen, unsure about what to answer. My thumbs were nervously tapping on the joysticks as I tried my damn hardest to find the answer she wanted. Karla sighed.

"Let's try something easier. Do you like redheads?"

She got a nod from me without any difficulty. I never got too hung up about hair color of any kind. Karla had always been so off-limits in my mind I only remembered she was a redhead after nodding.

Another kiss. Her hand stopped squeezing and instead proceeded to slowly work on my zipper.

"If I showed you my tits, would you tell anyone?"

I shook my head as firmly as I could. Her tongue caressed my jugular for a brief moment.

"If we did anything else..." she finally opened my zipper. "Would you tell anyone?"

Just as I started shaking my head, the doorbell rang.

"Mom! You locked us outside," came my friend's muffled voice.

I wasn't stupid enough to think it was accidental. Karla hurried to close my zipper.

"Coming! Just a minute!"

One hand started buttoning her shirt back up, while the other still held me in place.

"Come back on Monday and we'll fuck," she whispered hastily. "Deal?"

I felt her biting hard into my earlobe. The shock made me open my mouth silently.

"Just nod, you horny mute," she commanded without letting her teeth part from my ear.

Barely aware of what was happening, I managed to bob my head up and down in what must've been a nod. Karla, satisfied, hurried to open the door, while I was left dumbstruck on the couch. I left shortly afterwards.

Hmm... Maybe I overdid it a little when I called it 'advances'. All she really did was grope me, strip a little, and ask me to come back in two days so we could fuck once she knew I liked what I saw. You'll never guess what I did next...

Predictably, I was there as early as I could. Not a thought in my selfish head about her husband or her two sons. I even bought condoms like a hopeful idiot. She could just be trying to mess with me. It did cross my mind, but I was too aroused to be concerned. Breasts that big were rare outside of porn. I would have never forgiven myself if I had been too careful and passed up on such an opportunity. I am aware that doesn't make me any less of an asshole, don't worry.

She opened the flat's gate without saying a word. I rushed to the elevator and found her door already open, waiting for me. I had never seen Karla in such a way. She had undone her hair. Her reddish curls were loose, a couple dangling in front of her forehead. Her black underwear was all that stood between my eyes and her private parts. Her body's skin was even whiter than her face's, which was saying a lot as she was quite pale. The paleness was such I could make out the freckles on her breasts from the entrance. Lying on the couch, with her feet dangling in the air, she looked more appealing than any woman I had ever met or seen on a screen. Again, I know that does not make me any less of an asshole.

My first disappointment came from her telling me we would not be needing condoms.

"Just how lucky do you think you are, Peter?" she asked.

All while laughing, of course. If there was one thing I was quick to learn about Karla, even before our affair, it was she delighted in laughing at others.

"All you are getting today is a blowjob," she smirked when I frowned at her mockery, before turning to the bulge on my pants.

You see, while I was already annoyed by her very laughter, the fact still was Karla was very much able to make me hard. Undressed like she was, mockery was redundant; I desired that woman. Maybe that was how she got me to come back. Maybe she knew she was just attractive enough to make me and others tolerate her inherent nastiness.

"Well?" she stood upright on the couch. "Did you go soft already?"

I growled as I walked up to her. Seeing Karla biting her lip as I unzipped my jeans was enough to arouse me further. Must have been the reason why my dick seemed bigger that day... and most of the days we got together after that...

She never did care much for foreplay. I learned that on our very first affair. Just as I slowly brought the tip to her lips, she quickly tried to swallow my whole cock. I stood still, shocked as she moved her head back and forth with so much speed. It was almost mesmerizing to see her handle so much with such ease. My stillness lasted about seven seconds.

"That's it?" she laughed, taking a chance to catch her breath. "I thought we would fuck. Not just me."

So I hesitantly started thrusting into her throat. When she teased me some more, I started thrusting a little harder. It took me a while to notice she actually wanted me to feel angry, humiliated or both. Little did I know, this would be a common tactic in the future. Karla enjoyed making me want to punish her, and she enjoyed the punishment just as much.

As my cock went in and out of her mouth, I tried to unhook her bra, hoping to finally see her tits. She slapped my hands away while her eyes looked up at me in a mix of contempt and playfulness.

"Will you start going fast if I bite you?" she glared insolently at me. "And here I thought college students were at their peak."

By the end, I was thrusting as hard as I could, holding her on my cock for quite a few seconds. Even with her mouth full, I could still hear her muffled laughter. I couldn't change the way she stared me down, either. Her green eyes didn't lose their cruel mischief even while tears and makeup streamed down her cheeks.

For whatever reason, I still decided to warn her I was about to cum. This only resulted in more mockery and laughter.


With that reply, I didn't really have many qualms with grabbing her skull and cumming inside as roughly as I could. Even as I held her down, as her throat struggled to take in all my cum, Karla's eyes betrayed nothing but delight and enjoyment. How angry it made me. Her face was unrecognizably red. Her eyes had shed so many tears black makeup was running down her cheeks. There were thick lines of whitened drool dripping from the corners of her mouth into her breasts. And yet all that punishment was not enough to make those damn green things stop smiling.

"Hmmm... Hmhmhm," she smiled as her tongue swept across her chin languorously. "You taste good, Peter. And I can tell you'll fuck me better than this when we try again."

She said nothing else as I pulled my pants up and left. It would not surprise me that, eventually, she would end up admitting she was addicted to the taste of my cum. What she probably was addicted to, of course, was any semen that filled her up after rough sex. Not that I ever told her. I rarely felt like chatting with Karla for long, before or after fucking her. At least there, our relationship stayed the same.

By the time I left her house that day, I was naively convinced this had been a one-time thing. In my mind, I'd simply got lucky. Little did I know, I'd just let Karla find out I was horny, easy to anger, and very much willing to break rules; I had made myself prone to becoming her concubine and plaything in the upcoming months.












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